Separated at Birth???
At what moment did Perez become the patron saint of Gay Rights? It was bad enough that he's gone from having a razor-sharp blog that skewered celebrity culture to one that is merely a tame version wherein he's too scared to mock his new 'friends' - or worse, incessantly PROMOTES them. But now his endless attacks of Carrie Prejean are becoming just plain tiresome.
Don't get me wrong - I'm delighted that he's gone on such a manic campaign to bring down St. Carrie of La Jolla (thank you Keith O), but doesn't it feel like he's more likely to do harm than good by being so obnoxious about it?
Perhaps Mario would be more acceptable as a warrior for gay marriage if there was even a remote sense that he was likely to GET married. Ellen, George Takei, Elton John - to name a teeny tiny few - all have made their case with dignity, with pride, and with their partners. But I find such rage and hatred from one catty blogger who made his name drawing penises and coke-trails - and who devotes such energy to lusting after Zac Efron and Robert Pattinson - more than a lot to take.
Love the message, shoot the messenger.